south sudan: project Concerted effort to enhance Inclusive Education and Rehabilitation Services for People with Disabilities and their communities in Juba
12 self-help groups for parents of children with disability;
330 children with disabilities receives direct support for educational materials.
Train and follow-up 120 teachers in the selected primary and secondary schools on Inclusive Education (generic knowledge on disability and inclusion issues, educational barriers, children need and capacities assessment, comprehensive care framework and roles) and tools (sign language, inclusive vocabulary, etc.) for children communication needs.
Train 120 teacher on Individual Educational Plan for students with disabilities with the support and follow-up of the mobile team’s Occupational Therapist, social worker and CBID worker - plus the involvement of the respective caregivers.
Support enrolment of 330 children in primary schools and secondary schools, selected through the social worker assessment (at individual, family and community level) and linked with the appropriate school. Agreement with schools for fees contribute, based on individual need and provision of learning materials in accessible formats including uniforms for targeted children with disabilities and other vulnerable children.
Train 120 teachers on context-adequate technical skills and tools for inclusive teaching (academic resources; learning material design, adaptation and application; techniques for including the child in the class curriculum; skills for disability and inclusion awareness for students and school personnel, educational governance, etc)
Train caregivers in home based academic support techniques in order to increase their willingness and skills for educational needs and comprehensive care of the child, raise awareness of the services provided by OVCI and the project and ensure their involvement in Individual Educational Plan design and implementation. Support groups and/or Self-Help Groups (SHGs) activities.
Support Ministry of Education staff and other local relevant stakeholders’ skills on Inclusive Education framework, with a focus on Inclusive Education monitoring planning and tools to be applied in projects targeted areas.
Train the Organisations of persons with disabilities and the umbrella organization SSUPD on advocacy and lobbying skills.
Raise thematic awareness to over 10000 community members on children and people with disability rights and needs (including: disability prevention, detection and management thematic, practices for inclusion of the child in the family, community and society, protection, focus in inclusive education issues, available services for people and children with disability, health and hygiene issues, etc). Additionally, raise awareness on available services for people and children with disability and their respective locations within the project area.
Create a mobile team (Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapy, Social Worker, Nutritionist, Nurse, CBID workers) for the early identification of disabilities and intervention in schools.
Referral of children with disabilities to Specific Program (CBID, URC, Nutrition Department) for individual support.
Procure and distribute assistive devices for children and adults with disabilities.
Promotion of access and inclusion for empowerment of people with disability
CBID commitment
Usratuna Center
rehabilitation, healthcare and education commitment
Concerted effort to enhance inclusive education and rehabilitation services
CBID commitment
Nutrition program in Juba
healthcare commitment
rehabilitation and educational commitment
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